Random Training Thoughts From This Week.

This is more of a thought board of random statements that I saw on the gym floor this week. Tempo is a useful tool on the eccentric or “lifting” section of a movement if the goals are rehab, muscular endurance or hypertrophy. If the goals are strength and speed slow work is redundant. You can notContinue reading “Random Training Thoughts From This Week.”

Don’t Hate Steady State- Why Going Slow Can Help You Go Fast.

HIIT or high intensity interval training is becoming the “cardio”choice of the instagram generation. While it has some time saving benefits it means that low level/ low intensity work has gone out  the window. Here’s why you should consider not condensing all our workouts down to a series of 30 second smash ups. There areContinue reading “Don’t Hate Steady State- Why Going Slow Can Help You Go Fast.”