Random Training Thoughts From This Week.

This is more of a thought board of random statements that I saw on the gym floor this week. Tempo is a useful tool on the eccentric or “lifting” section of a movement if the goals are rehab, muscular endurance or hypertrophy. If the goals are strength and speed slow work is redundant. You can notContinue reading “Random Training Thoughts From This Week.”

From the Gym Floor: Part 4… Batman, Wall Balls, Speed Strength and Ambient Temperature.

This could be classified as the “super hero” edition. Why? Read on. 1. We were featured in Men’s Health in an article “How to be Batman” the premise was how to disrupt your childhood to leave you with a deep seated personality order meaning your role in life is defined by trying to imprison bad peopleContinue reading “From the Gym Floor: Part 4… Batman, Wall Balls, Speed Strength and Ambient Temperature.”

A New Direction…. Among Other Things…

It’s been about three quarters of a year since I updated this blog. Reason being is simply I decided to take a bit of a rest from fitness and nutrition writing (put it this way- I have probably written 2 to 3 articles a week over the last ten years, not an issue if your mainContinue reading “A New Direction…. Among Other Things…”

Research Review: 4 Links To Make You Strong, Get Lean and Perform Better.

L Carn it Doesn’t Supplements claims are abundant and one that is getting a lot of press recently is L Carnitine. It is proposed that it gain help reduce body fat among other things. From a fat loss perspective this study highlights an insignificant changes in fat mass after a period of supplementation And WhileContinue reading “Research Review: 4 Links To Make You Strong, Get Lean and Perform Better.”

Pulp Fiction: 5 Fitness Myths Never Explained Properly

Welcome to a number of themed articles based on popular media comments and preconceptions that continually are circulated in the popular press. The fitness and nutrition industry is a wacky world where science and opinion are blurred.   This means that opinion often leads fact when there is no relevant science or data. What IContinue reading “Pulp Fiction: 5 Fitness Myths Never Explained Properly”

Fixing the Flaws: Part 1

It doesn’t really matter if you are an elite level athlete or a beginner. There are always going to be areas in your fitness that you need to work on. You are not Mr or Mrs Perfect….. Sorry…. Be it whole body strength, the transfer of your physicality in the weight room to your sport orContinue reading “Fixing the Flaws: Part 1”

Why the Small Things Count If You Want To Achieve Your Goals

Well happy New Year! As we get into 2013 the spate of New Year, new you offers and promotions are everywhere over the popular media. There is good reason, most people do overcook it massively in the Christmas holidays, overeating, overindulging and generally not being very active. The general message and the way a lotContinue reading “Why the Small Things Count If You Want To Achieve Your Goals”

Stand Up More- You Will Live Longer…. Fact!

The vast majority of adults in Britain – between two-thirds and five-sixths according to a new study spend more than two hours daily watching television. Scientists have tried to quantify this data to suggest how much of this is negative and what the possible harmful implications are to people’s health. They estimated that if peopleContinue reading “Stand Up More- You Will Live Longer…. Fact!”